
Friday, July 23, 2010

The Man I Love

I'm in love...

Its a stupid, hopeless, weird kind of love..

I love someone which I know will never be mine.

He made me laugh so many times
Made me cry so many times
And yet he doesn't even know I exist.

His name is Kim Jaejoong.

A fan said,
You will never truly understand
When compliments turn into admiration
When praise turns into obsession
When idolization turns into love

That's exactly what happened to me

I love him not because he's so perfect..
In fact I love every imperfections in him.
He's clumsy, he falls down a lot, drops his mic, make mistakes... But I love him nevertheless

I hate him too
I hate it when he is in pain but he tries to put up a brave face and pretend it doesn't hurt.
That's exactly what he's doing now..
Stupid Jaejoong doesn't even know there are hundred thousands of people who wanted to share his pain

I know lots of people love him. Others even love him more than I do.
I'm just one of the million, one insignificant speck from the red ocean that loves Jaejoong

He will never be my boyfriend but if for some sheer luck I had the chance
I don't think I wanted to be his girlfriend either...

Stupid I know...

But he has a very bright personality and I'm scared I'll be a burden just because I'm too boring

But nevertheless I still love him.
And my dream is for him to see me...
He doesn't have to remember my face...
Just make him spare a glance..
That's all...

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